About She’s Just a Mom

She’s Just a Mom

Hi there, my name is Jessica and I created She’s Just a Mom for a few reasons. Recently, I had to close my previous blog of 4 years and over 100 posts later. I felt like part of my blogging career was over and I needed a fresh clean slate. So here I am.
I am a mother of 5 and happily married to my wonderful husband of 15 years. We reside in North Georgia where homeschooling is mostly relaxed. Life has been happy, sad, stressful and amazing. It has also brought me many life lessons. Through these lessons, I have come to realize the love I have for homeschooling.
Believe it or not, I wasn’t too excited to begin this journey. I was so scared and my fear almost got in the way of some pretty amazing things. I am so glad that I was able to overcome so many obstacles. This doesn’t mean it is all perfect now. Nothing ever is! Just like being a Mom has its challenges, so does leading my kids learning from home.

My goals for this blog

My present goals for this blog is to write about homeschool topics. I want to share my experience and knowledge with new homeschool families. I want to help reassure families and parents that they are completely capable of helping their children learn and grow into amazing human beings. My intentions will always be true. If I don’t know anything, I will say so. I will also go out of my way to find out more.
Another goal is to write reviews for homeschooling products, games, websites and more. As homeschoolers, we have to save money where we can. It is so important to see and read what others have experienced. This makes it easier to research resources for your learning.
My last goal for the year 2020 is to write from my heart and to lead by example in doing so. I want to have a portfolio up on the site showcasing my poetry, collaborations, and articles I have written.
As time goes on I will add more ideas and information for everyone. I can only hope and pray that the information I share with you has helped in some small way. Thank you so much for stopping by to get to know me. Feel free to say hello in the comments and keep in touch!

My son and I goofing around. I don’t take serious pictures!

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